The Bollmer Group of Companies
We are pioneers in the development of efficient, resource-conserving and economical fertilizer concepts and services for agriculture. With a lot of experience and regional reference, we create sustainable solutions for agricultural nutrient needs. We are the link between industry and agriculture and ensure quality and cycles to protect the environment.

Our services at a GLANCE
Utilization concepts
We check your various material flows for their potential for nutrient recycling. From the initial inspection to the individual concept, we go the distance with you and advise you on all aspects of sustainable recycling solutions. Let's find resource-saving closed-loop solutions together.
We guarantee our suppliers and industry partners a smooth process. With our reliable logistics and storage capacities and the multitude of locations, we are also close to you. Whether for industry or agriculture - you can rely on our logistics.
Storage capacity
Nationwide, Bollmer has a storage capacity of more than 200,000 tons, including tank facilities for the storage of approximately 120,000 tons of liquid materials. In this way, we achieve a reliable uptake of all raw materials and the availability of our fertilizers as needed at any time.
Valuable nutrients are contained in many source materials. We help companies to recognize and sustainably exploit these potentials. For decades, we at Bollmer have been dedicated to the nutrient recovery and recycling of by-products from industrial production. We give a wide variety of substances a meaningful use again as fertilizer or fertilizer raw material, thus reducing the CO₂ footprint.

Environmentally friendly recycled fertilizers
Sustainability is not an invention of the last decades. Farmers and foresters have known for centuries about the importance of closed nutrient cycles. Increased fertilizer prices and raw material shortages also give an economic dimension to the drive to rely more on recycled fertilizers. Domestic agriculture becomes less dependent on artificial fertilizers and raw material imports. With solutions for customized, inter-farm fertilizer application to the field, Bollmer makes a valuable contribution to resource-saving, economical fertilization of arable land and grassland.